Sunday, February 25, 2007

After Chinese New Year

After 3 years, the tap is still not fixed in the main toilet. And it remains there with the top off, (no pun intended) and the long part sticking out (no pun intended) and no liquid leaking out from it (no pun intended) And its already 3 years. When the hell can we use it to fill the cups to brush our teeth? (Don't think sick here.)


Anyway a blog needs picures to be interesting and interactive. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera up from my car to download the pictures, so there you guys don't have any pictures to see, and of course no visual pleasure ultinately. (no pun intended).

I've told this story to my class and some of my friends, and it may seem a little unbelievable, but it happened.

So me and my huge family went to Malaysia to celebrate Chinese New Year with my grandmother, and in 2005 my uncle passed away, so that was kind of long forgotten.
You know they always say, this Chinese superstitution, that a big brown moth is actually a reincarnation of someone. So when our whole family was in the living room, and that time was about 6.45 -7.00pm, and all of us were ready to sit down and eat dinner. You could see my cousins all watching TV, and the adults talking about latest stuff, and my late uncle's daughter playing my Gameboy which I gave to her.

Then suddenly without any warning, as if it was the heavens who had a stopwatch and timed the whole thing carefully, a big moth came flying it, and all who saw it knew it.

And the house was entirely quiet, except for the small cousion age 10 screaming: "Ahhh!! Jiu4 Ming4 ah! Kill it! Kill it!" and the entire house was all quiet except for some who did not see the big moth.

Then my ignorant cousin was told, and he too kept his mouth shut. Then my grandma started crying, for we all knew what was happening as we watch the big moth flying around. At first I didn't know what was happening until my dad told me about the superstitition, which apparently I had forgotten about.

I think my uncle knew my mum was afraid of moths, and so he/it started to flying around my mum and my mum was like damn freaked out and all, because she thinks they are dirty, both literally and figuratively, because I think their wings give out those dirty dusts then can stir up any allergy.

My uncle came and went, the moth flew away, and the house was back to normal again. But for the rest of the evening until now, I still ponder about what happened that day a week ago, and was it really my uncle?

Its been a week already, and things are back to normal.

However, let me tell you how complicated a Rafflesian's life can be.

Yesterday, a Saturday, I had my cello lesson. So it was timed at 1pm, and I suddenly remembered I need a replacement for my Math tuition, otherwise it had to be forfeited, so of course I smsed my Math tuition teacher, and he said can't. Then I bugged him again, because I seriously needed it, then he said 1pm. (Of course the whole process of bugging was terribly long)

And my cello lesson was like 1pm. So the mother was extremely perplexed. Curret time 11.20am. So I smsed my Cello teacher and asked whether I could come at 12pm or after 5, for my tuition was 2 hours long. And he replied back and he said "11.30pm."

And what was the current time?


So we like rushed everything, stuffed everything, packed everything, and arrived there at 12.00. 12.00 - one hour lesson for cello - 1pm.

Oh shucks, what time was my tuition? 1pm? Oh ****!

So then I rushed there, and on the way my tuition teacher smsed - you must leave at 3pm.

And I reached there at 1.30pm...

Part 2 after my piano lesson.

Be sure to catch it!

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