Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday Anecdote

I attempted to borrow a book on the Al-Qaeda, and I managed to grabbed hold of the book in the Hullett Memorial Library, but on my other hand I was holding a cane, and naturally with my character I would eventually lose the item I grabbed hold of on my right. And so unfortunately I don't have the book in front of me now.

The Library is fun. You get to flick and irritate random people, and go "shhh, talk louder." Or flick someone and scream at him to stop irritating you. Then he will look at you with these eyes (.)(.)

How childish. No wonder girls say I'm imature. duh of course I am!
Maybe its because of music connections. Or is it an excuse?

We just fetched our new car, a Toyata Altis. Don't even notice it reached 90km/h, maybe its 1.6 CC so the ride is smoother.

I'm quite nervous for my physics test tomorrow, but I know I have to learn how to read the micrometer and vernier callipers, zero errors, and standard form.

I'm currently listening to "He ain't heavy, he's my brother" sang about 50 years ago. A beautiful ballade, male voice, quite sad and lots of will needed. Its about this guy carrying his brother on his back on a long long road...

Would have to thank Zhong Ren, Norman, Nigel, Jun Sean, Joseph for offering their tissue packs when I was having morning sinus and sneezing like some crap. Thanks guys!

Joshua and Joseph are some good back partners. When you really need a break just turn your head and talk to them. (turn your head 180 degrees, not 360, class joke)

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