Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I supposed those who watched Phua Chua Kang yesterday had a good laugh. Yesterday's episode was a collation of 5 skits written by our fellow Singaporeans, actually it was submitted for competition and of course these were the best 5.

1) Plasma TV - Phua Chu Kang wins a Plasma TV from a lucky draw, but tries to hide it away from Rosie so that he can watch it all from himself. And so the scene starts with Chu Kang, with his other 2 workers, KingKong and the other guy, whom I forget the name, unwrapping the Plasms TV. And KingKong was like..."wah sir, new plaster TV huh hahaha"

But anyway in the end they heard Rosie coming down the stairs and ChuKang hid it under the cloth on the dining table. So it kinda looked protruded. Then Rosie was like "Eh? How come the table like that?" And ChuKang starts asking her to get out of the house for dinner, and when finally he can't give any other more reasons, he says he saw a mouse in the living room. And you know, Rosie being afraid of mouses ran up crawling on the dining table ON THE PLASMA TV, and then you hear a "crack"...

2) World's Oldest Television - The scene starts with ChuKang's two workers arguing over who's TV is the oldest, and reasons include, "My grandmother watched the television, and she's older than your grandmother! So of course mine bigger, lah!"

ChuKang then shows them the world's "Oldest Television". He takes a rope, and a basin. Then he said, "In Malay, rope in malay is "tali" (or something like that), and basin in malay is "besin"! So this is the world's oldest..talibesen! (television)

And KingKong was nice te...ta...telibisin! Haha! Then ChuKang pours in water and asks them to look inside and they actually think it's a television because of their reflection. -.-

3) KingKong's Job Interview (my favourite) - So Chu Kang's brother asked him how he got KingKong as his worker in the first place. And Chu Kang remembers...

PCK: Come in. Take a seat.
KingKong: (picks up seat) Take to where?
KingKong: Then how I know? YOur english very bad hor.
PCK: What's your name?
KingKong: KingKong!
KingKong: But KingKong is my name! and my favourite movie...
PCK: Hmph. ok where you stay?
KingKong: USA!
KingKong: Upper Serangoon Avenue lah! Wah your english very poor hor, which school you stay ah?
PCK: err...err..Sang Nila Utama Secondary! ahhhh...why?
KingKong: Wah next time I don't send my children there already, later become as stupid as you!
KingKong: Huh? You haven't even hire me how to fire me?
PCK: Ok I employ you then I fire you ok?

Then the flashback ends here and Chukang's brother asks what happened next?

ChuKang: "I haven't finish then he go for tau huey (beancurd) break lah!!!"

Aloy gets married - This one was rather boring, PCK gets a call while watching soccer and he heard the man asking whether "Aloy got married." But actually it was "Aloy got merit." And the news spreads around the house until they finally solve the misunderstanding

The Coconut - PCK drinks coconut drink and drew a face on it. Then some haunted stuff start happening...

The day is pretty much the same, flicking people I don't know, and I got slammed on the table once :X Not a nice thing but that's life. Then I got Jun Sean begging me to stop that because its irritating. Now this is the main topic I'm going to talk about.

When I was secondary 2 I wanted to ask SungMing why he kept flicking me. Some of his replies were like for fun? But seriously, in his case, I know its for fun. Now I'm doing this to other people. Am I considered as a bully?

What was I thinking when I flick other people. Simple. I list these reasons:

1) For fun
2) To irritate people
3) To act cool
4) Peer Pressure

I think its mostly to ac cool. Now when I get to sit down and think, I realised that it was just really to impress my other friends, to show them I dared to do it. And flicking random people without any orders, its just to make them feel pain. But why should they feel pain when they never done anything wrong?

What made me do that?

I guess I have nothing to say about it. As the chinese proverbs go, the outsider sees the most. When someone questions me why I had to do that, I could say nothing but just apologise and say I wouldn't do that again. But that wouldnt satisfy. I now want to know the answer why I flick random people.

I guess if I amounted all the pain of all the flicks I gave to all the people I flicked onto me within a second, I would die. An estimate.

Exposing the Human Psyche. Same applys for Smoking. But unlike flicking, smoking can't really be helped because your body needs it. It's not as if once you start flicking people you really have to continue it or else your body systems fail.

Someone question me?

But back to reality, I have my Social Studies to do, and my Chinese list for Jonathan to be made by Friday.

Shide asked me a few hours ago what my blog was about. I told him this, that the basic aim of my blog is to question and stimulate your brain cells, to provide answers and to calm the heart, to search and seek the unknown. No I didn't tell him exactly that but this is what I want to do.

For example my latest 9/11 post...I supposed most of you'll should have read it. Yep, something like that. To question whether the truth is authentic.

Maybe 50 years down the road, when we'll old and married and gone, or when Bush passes away, someone would step up and reveal the truth of 911. Or whether its true.


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