Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dreams (dry ones) and sleep

It has been a week since I updated. So right, I have John Yu commenting I look like some shit. But it's ok, but I was kind of sad cause it was one of the most exciting days in my music life, but I looked like shit that day. Lol was just kidding.

Ok but life has been great nowadays, I'm super addicted to BeeGees, and music then is so much beautiful than today's music. Wonderful harmonies. What shit is rap compared to those songs. But anyway shan't talk much. But I'm listening to Tragedy by BeeGees now.

I'm an asshole. I bitch about people when I have time. -.- Someone bitch about me please? Library bitching was on ninjas and manga and samurai. RJC bitching was on Feminine wiping of mouth. -.-

Mad rampage - untying other people's shoelaces. I think I'm going crazy again!

But to serious matters...no there isn't really one. I slept at 12.30am yesterday reading a book, and when I woke up...man I take a long time to wake up. I realised I have this habit of repeating words my mum say to ask me to wake up. I think it started in Sec 1.

Mum: Go and brush your teeth!
Me: Brush teeth. (mumbles)
Mum: Have you worn your uniform? (She assumed I was awake already although I was still in bed)
Me: Uniform...
Mum: You're eating oat today...
Me: Yes oat..

Upon entering my room, she goes: WHAT? YOU HAVEN'T WAKE UP YET? (yak yak yak)

Sometimes I kind of "dream" I'm already brushing my teeth or packing my bag, then I suddenly jerk to realise...I'm still in bed.

Damn it man!

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