Saturday, April 26, 2008

I realised I wrote

I shall eat a banana for lunch.

I realised I wrote a modern art-music piece called Tribal Dance for the Land of Hi. It's so damn coincedental that Clinton mentioned to me about him planning to write an abstract work called "Hi", and that we were working towards a musical at the end of the year for the Literature Comedy Project. And our project was supposed to revolve around Gulliver's Travels (I supposed). So if you did read the last book where he met the Yahoos and their tribal behavior, you would understand why the music was so coincedental.

The music itself is pretty awkward - an atonal piece that starts with a mere hint of G minor and alternating time signatures to signify gathering people and the pitterpattering of feet. There's the chief's entrance. Well it could have been inspired by Debussy's Island of Joy, when Clarence went on story-telling mode for the piece.

I shall have a banana for lunch.

Perhaps the banana might console me, and it looked like it could lah. Hopefully.

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