Saturday, March 14, 2009

Well I figured out that there's no use using 'she' and 'she' and 'he' since everyone probably knows who I'm talking about, and using names would definitely make my blogpost more personal, which is mmm..[as in the kind of mm you use when you smell delicious things]..good.

So yesterday was Dad's birthday! Happy birthday Dad. Chi Ling and I got this cute little card for him, front cover had the words: "This birthday card is from both of us! One card, twice the love," Opening it up revealed the following "Half the cost! Happy Birthday!"

At least we heard the chortle from Pop (as we dearly call him).

He said it was his most memorable birthday ever, and I have no doubts about that - with all the friends and new people in the family, what more could you ask for? Everyone spamming birthday SMSes (but he ate dinner alone though) and wishes.

Yesterday I got to school without realising that it was actually an off-day because we did well in A-levels. Which is pretty expected with my heck-care school attitude. The place looked like a ghost town, and then suddenly it struck me that there was no school today.

Will update this at YST.

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