Thursday, April 26, 2007

LOST - MIss Peh

Ah! An extract from Hong Rui that totally shows what our Math teacher is like.

"However, most of all, I must THANK Ms Peh (or Mrs Tan) our maths teacher. She's the BEST maths teacher in the world, and will certainly help you to understand all the concepts so effortlessly, SO effortlessly that I had to go to my fellow more trustworthy friends for help. I think Ms Peh's method of teaching is to encourge self learning, something that everyone does for maths in 3D, thats why half the class sleeps during maths. Let me give you an example seen in every single lesson.

Ok class, do question no. N, I give you 5 minutes.
20 seconds later, she shows us the answer.

What the hell, perhaps only 1 or 2 people have finished the question, and since I'm someone who is very slow at grasping concepts (but will pwn the moment I get enlightened) I will need the 5 minutes to do that question. Anyway, half the times her answer are wrong, and we'll have to correct it for her."

What do you think is wrong with Miss Peh? EYA.

L3 for saying everything. But she's damn kind, which is like wrong. I mean I've got about the half the class longing to bring pillows, but they can sleep on their pencilboxes. Some sleep in front of her so obviously, and she attempts to wake people up by STROKING them.

WTH, like how is this totally possible. It's crazy lah, and honestly I think she has OCD. She has to get everything perpendicular to the table front


Crap. Just took out stuff to write - but my pencilbox wasn't in my bag. First, my foolscalp pad. Now my pencil box. Will my life get any tougher?


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