It's inside, something people are not conscious about.
It's wrong, and it will always be.
It's called flaming.
(Don't start word count yet.)
I've seen lots and lots of flaming, but surprisingly none of been directed to me after 4 years of blogging. Ok maybe some, thanks to my tactless speech.
But in any case I've never flamed anyone before except for my mum, which I've have stopped after reading this newspaper report.

It's everywhere, like a virus people are happy to be infected with.
It's inside, something people are not conscious about.
It's wrong, and it will always be.
It's called flaming.
I've seen lots and lots of flaming, but surprisingly none of been directed to me after 4 years of blogging. Ok maybe some, thanks to my tactless speech.
Many of the flamers I see are female. No, I'm not a chauvinistic pig or anything, it's probably something to do with the female traits. Often, at the age of fifteen, girls' emotions are very unstable. They climb to a hyperactive state, and in minutes, even seconds, their world can be turned upside down - they turn depressed, they turn confused, and worst of all, they turn tactless. When I say tactless, I mean the extreme in this case.
Thanks to the hormones, they often turn depress. Some of them no longer care for their surroundings; their parents, their relatives, their friends. And as this newspaper reports states, "Teachers, classmates, parents - anyone that upsets them - they are all fair targets."
But this does not only apply for girls. I'm just saying that while all of us are growing, the female gender sometimes are more harsher.
This newspaper report has come at a very good time, considering these days chatrooms, tagboards, and MSN have been so accessible - especially to adolescents, people like me. Emotions run high, and often people are not conscious of what they are doing.
They do not know the consequences, the hurt, the wounds they are making.
They deserve it? Well you can talk to the person face to face - is there a need to publicise it and embarrass him?
He embarrassed you? Well you can always tell him that you don't like what he said, and ask him to apologise, simple as that. Vice Versa. What is so hard? Is pride a matter here? Someone has to give way, and why not you?
This sudden issue about flaming was raised after a classmate of the girl Debra who drowned in a canel (bless her soul) said that she deserved to die, because she was a bully.
Yes, we can understand the part about you hating your bully, but isn't branding him with horrible words behind his back too dishonourable? Much less a person who can no longer talk, who can no longer plead for innocence, who can no longer argue his case?
Last year I had Shawn bullying me for almost the entire year, but I did talk to him, and with the power of words alone, he stopped bullying me. Just words. Face-to-face. And no hard feelings at the end; we understood each other and we were no longer enemies. It always pays to be everyone's friend, to smile everyday and greet everyone without the fear of being ignored and threatened.
Being already fifteen years old, we are all starting to mature and grow up. Very soon, we are all going to be working adults, proud adults, and maybe even parents. Are we all still going to be childish, posting anonymous insults and blackmailing others? Are we still going to be flaming?
And are we going to transform this technology under our fingertips and the power of words as tools of destruction, destroying others' future and reputation.
Stop flaming today. Use the power of honesty and words to rebuild friendship.
Stop hurting people now.
The inevitable statement comes next: But he did it to me first!
I shall then end of with this famous statement: Do not unto others what you want others not to do unto you.
(604 words)
Come on everybody! Your blog is used to share your troubles with everyone, not for spreading trouble to everyone!
Stay happy always, my readers!