My mum has become more irritating then before! And I have set a ultimatum for myself: The cane must die.
Meanwhile yesterday I visited Shawn's house for a practise on his Kabalevsky's piano concerto, and for the first time I came into contact with a dog. Name's Yuki, she's a very happy dog, and of course she brought happiness to me. She pass motioned in Shawn's brother's bedroom, and knowing she was wrong, hid somewhere in the house. Shawn and I found her in the corner of two sofas placed in an L shape. She was hiding under the small table!
Shawn said even dogs knew when they did something wrong, and he told Yuki that "Mummy will be back very soon to scold you!"
Such a cute dog. It gave me a shock once though, when we were practising Yuki licked my right calf, and I jerked suddenly, bringing my knee hammering straight into under the keyboard. Embarassing but well, we'll human anyway.
I played my composition for Shawn, with only the right hand completed only for the second half, and he said there wasn't any harmony mistakes he could find.
Yesterday night at about 11pm I quickly touch up on some parts of my compositions, by playing the entire thing and trying to find something that sounded wrong, which I did. Then of course I corrected them. I had about 6 hours to aad the left hand, which I did from 4 to about 10pm.
Recorded it with extremely sweaty and nervous hands on my mp3, and as technology allows it, in a few minutes time I was sending it to my first receiver, Jinghui from my MEP class and my RE group. Sent it to some other people very soon, Tianyi, Ben Low this morning, and some other guys. John Lee too. Tianyi thought it was by Bach and she wanted to comment on my playing I supposed, which I think she could have given me 5/10 (I was playing my composition and it wasn't really the manner which I was worried about, it was the composition itself) but I told her it was my composition. And we talked a little about how starters started composing; by copying styles. Of course I did that. Couldn't have possibly started on a entire new style, although I do have one. It's basically placing the melody on octaves, and left hand full of broken chords, appegios, scales and guess what. My style is a mix of Chopinistic melodies (although not as good) and Lizst-styled technique (obviously not as good).
The reviews were rather good, although Ben Low said the finale sounded screwed with a bashful smile (or was it?) If it wasn't I shall make it a point to strangle him tomorrow.
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