Thursday, July 24, 2008

Showering Cold

Cold showers really bring the best out of you.

The evening turned cold and there were clearly showers outside the MRT train I was in. I was already partly shivering from the sweat which I got a few dozen minutes ago while playing soccer back in RJC with a bottle-cap, alongside MEP counterparts.

We went on our seperate ways, and I decided to settle down later back home with simply a cup of hot Ceylon (Sri Lankan) tea, several biscuits, and after my dad's request, a banana.

It's like how I previously yearn for warm Milo whenever I am drenched in cold sweat, and would always be grateful to anyone who would hand me one. Nowadays I go for tea, after the SPI week when I frequently went for tea and a burger in the morning, before the day started.

My dad bought the teabags a week ago, and I learnt how to prepare them for myself, in case I suddenly felt this urge to fill my guts with a little warm liquid. Boil the water, pour it into the cup with the satchet, add in a spoonful of condensed milk, and TA-DAH!

Set for life.

The LRT was crowded as per usual at 6.30, and thankfully with the shirt I managed to get everyone avoiding me like they thought I had chicken pox or something. Why not, just look at what's above the neck...

I got a couple of stares, particularly because the shirt wasn't really the opaque kind today, and it didn't look like it came from Bibi and Baba anymore. Constantly pulled my shirt outwards in case I became a walking M18 - not advisable. Everyone on the LRT train looked really grumpy and shitty, either from a bad day at work, or from the weather.

The guy beside me was constantly nodding off, and he was standing up. I sort of sympathized with him, because I remembered how I actually slept standing up, and accidently collapsed on my knees after they couldn't support the slumbering weight.

But he got a little to engrossed with nodding off because he did 3 in 10 seconds for a minute - a grand total of 18 nods in a minute. Bet he had much to agree with whatever/whoever he was dreaming about. On the flip side he left at Admiralty thankfully, otherwise I would risk embarassing myself if he placed his bald 18-year old head on my really wet shoulder.

Not good, really.

Got home, served the net, looked at my email. Drank the tea, off to shower.

Cold showers really bring the best out of you. The weather was really cold, and I just waited for the heater to deliver the warm water. After 5 minutes waiting I decided I might have as well just dump myself.

It begins with the dousing. It's really cold - probably 10-15 degrees today. And then by the time it trickles to the feet, the entire body starts to shiver. When the showerhead goes on full blast, there's this profound stillness. I felt fortunate I got the chance to feel this vivid experience, because everything was so real.

I realised again I was a pretty lonely person. Again, because when there's two people in the house only life sometimes gets lonely. But life never gets boring. I feel lucky to be surrounded by people who are genuine and nice.

Of course shit happens, and detractors do appear. But whenever I think about that, I realised that we do need our challenges, be them easy or difficult.

It's really important to maintain this positive attitude in life. Even when the cards are down and everything looks shitty, that's probably just that slimmer of light somewhere there. Unfortunately we have to find it ourselves. That part sucks. But yeah, we will kickass.

Suddenly after that shower I feel cleansed. Fresh. New. Clean. Partly we can save some electricity by not using the heater, but if allowed it could offer some spiritual cleansing.

Shin's recipe:
-Shower Place
-Cold water (prefebly 10-15 degrees cold)
-Lots of preparation before you douse yourself

Good luck larh.

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