Tuesday, November 27, 2007

dragonboating, earthquakes

In no mood at all to write any essays on pop and music and religion.

That's because I've been entirely hooked on Beatles's music - it's like taking drugs. But it's legal :)

Recently Life actually had a small segment saying that from next year onwards, the Beatles will go online! So we will be able to download their music legally from next year onwards! After exactly 50 years, (the Beatles did their recordings about 1964-1970) we get to hear their music - not on LP, not on CD, but online!

My dad says he used to have the LP vinyl records but he had to throw them away later.


Very dark morning, the clouds seem to have gathered for a discussion above us, very soon they will fight and some cloud will start peeing, and putting into consideration all of them will follow suit, and then we will have to take out our umbrellas.

The past few days have seen the death of 5 Singaporeans - the talk between mothers after the PSLE topping of 294 - RIP to all the 5 dragon-boaters.

In any case, unfortunately, the talk is directed to who should be blamed for the tragedy that happened. Apparently the Singapore team had completed the race already before they decided to go for another leisure ride.

Because of this, some point to the boaters themselves for the decision. And then it appears that some/all of them did not put on their lifejackets to make it easier for them to row the boat.

The fingers point to the president of the dragon-boating association also. Personally I think we should stop the blame-game and get on with the solutions to deal with such problems in the future.

It's not that easy in reality though - some people fail to see the main problem.

Indeed, that makes life more interesting, but interesting leads to the death of people.

Alright, off with the philosophical talk, now to some of the bigger problems.

What can we say when there's been wildfires in California, earthquakes in Indonesia, typhoons in Philiphines, drought in Africa? At last there's no more talk of terrorism and Middle East, now it's all about Mother Earth' fury on us.

An interesting point to note, all of the presidents who have supported the Iraq war or supplied it with coalition have fallen - George Bush is now a sitting duck with nothing to do, John Howard has been replaced by Labor, Tony Blair is now gone, replaced by Gordon Brown. Is this a curse of the Iraq War?

In my English EOY essay I did state that people who supported any form of war would lead to no good.

Back to Mother Nature's fury, some will cite it to the end of the world (we're still waiting for the megaquake that will hit Indonesia), some will say it's probably for all the wrongdoings humankind have done to the Earth. Maybe it's natural considering the last generation had caused so much environmental problems.

Now this generation has to take all the faults - at least we're doing something to turn back.

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