I'm thinking Ryan's "my first header".
Recently in the news there has been constant reports about the progress of the Singapore-Malaysia court case in the International Court of Justice. In case some of you out there still do not know what is happening between our neighbour country and us, we're currently fighting over sovereignty of Petra Branca island, or as what the Malaysians call it, Pulau Batu Puteh.
This Thursday morning, I read a newspaper article about the lighthouse dispute, and this time the focus was on - ok first things first, if you are Singaporean, turn to page 4 of Home today. I'm racing against time because I'm hoping you guys don't miss out before the blogpage shuts down.
Ok in short, a blog which Malaysia had relied on to present its case to the International Court of Justice contains chunks from Wikipedia. The posting on the blog was made on Nov 9, before Malaysia presented its case before the ICJ. The only change that the author of the controversial blog had made was to use Pulau Batu Puteh Lighthouse in place of Cape May Lighthouse in the Wikipedia article.
Here's a screenshot of the blog:

(You can see Jon Koh's blog on one of the tabs)
In any case if you want the link to it, here it is - www.leuchtturm3.blogspot.com
On his blog, there has been lots of comments coming from netizens everywhere, and of course several political attacks. Some even link him to the Malaysian government.
I shall not give a full political overview of the situation, but I'll tell you in short what's wrong with this.
The blogger has basically lifted two entire paragraphs from Wikipedia, and Malaysia, the other nation claiming sovereignty over Petra Branca, has relied on this blog to argue its case. The problem is that Malaysian's legal eagles have been chided by Malaysians themselves for relying on an entirely anonymous blog (considering leuchtturm is not a normal name) that has shown up for plagiarism.
Malaysia has cited the blog as the source of a photograph it produced last week in an international court, to show Pedra Branca's supposed closeness to Johor. This led to a Singapore blog writer called Simplyjean to analyse this blog, thus leading to ultimately, the discovery. So what Simplyjean found was that the author of leuchtturm had actually lifted chunks of text from Wikipedia, whose contents can be edited by anyone.
(The past 2 paragraphs have been paraphrased from the Strait Times article, if anyone of you are thinking why the grammar's so good.)
In any case, it's amazing how in front of the International Court of Justice, Malaysia can rely on a blogpost (that's one amazing thing itself) that has been plagiarized (the even more amazing thing) from Wikipedia (the most amazing thing).
Also, in case you didn't know, all the links found on the webpage are all linked to Wikipedia itself, and the link named Pulau Batu Puteh Lighthouse actually links to Cape May Lighthouse. A show of stupidity?
It may seem as if I'm exaggerating, but I would like to say it's such an embarrassment for such a nation like Malaysia.
I shall shift your attention to the comments from the netizens for your reading pleasure, and if you are lazy to type in the URL yourself.
Comments about the post from netizens
Fudge said...
Well, you want to know why the anger? Let me clue you in, buddy. The main reason is that your blog post apparently made a fool of a soverign nation's government at the ICJ. Who wouldn't be pissed right? Please don't feign ignorance, pal. If you're really interested in this region, you would have known how much of a monkey Malaysia was made of with credits to your blog.
Next, apparently, your wiki links don't work! Instead of going to Batu Puteh Lighthouse, it goes to Cape May Lighthouse. And please, also, since you claim to be an "outsider", how come you know about Batu Puteh? The dispute started well a year ago, so why only blog now?
Flowing Stream said...
-_-;; Aiyah, Malaysian in-house political tactics cannot be used outside of Malaysia lah.
Malu leh...
ICJ somemore. =.= M'sia in big shit if Blogger kena subpoenaed to reveal ID of "leuchtturm"... which I think SG is trying to do right now.
Habis-liao the case if go on like this. Contempt of court.
600K Peanut said...
hmmm... play innocent? your trick will only works if all the ICJ judges are M'sian and also the court is in M'sia.
The one who planned using this photo, his IQ must be damn low, i would say retarded.
You are in fact, not helping your country but malu them in the whole world. I believe you should have follwing the case closely, did you see a lot of foreigners there as well? These peoples are not cleaners nor hawkers, they are many lawyers and journalists.
Conclusion, your innocent photo has caused damage to your country claim to those islands.
sungimann said...
Dear Fudge,
It is not leuhchtturm's fault that Malaysia was made a monkey. Those responsible to present the evidence at ICJ should have done their home work properly instead of copying blatantly from the net.
(what they are admitting)
If you want to be pissed, be piss for the sloppy job done.
(here's the hint of conspiracy)
The said...
/// I have been interested in lighthouses since I was a little boy. ///
Are you still a little boy - which explains a lot?
If you are not a little boy now, why do you wait so long before you translate your interest in lighthouses into this blog?
Can you shed some light? Or is your lighthouse shrouded in fog?
Saturnvship said...
Relax, bloggers. Take it easy. We all know the answers already. Go easy...
To leuchtturm,
I have questions for you,
"My family travels a lot across Europe when I was a kid and I got to see many lighthouses in various countries."
How did the photo of Pedra Branca (Horsburgh Lighthouse) get in if you travel across Europe?
How did you get the photo when you claimed that you do not know anything about Singapore and Malaysia?
If you are really avid in lighthouses, you would have alot of photos of lighthouses in Europe loaded in the blog, instead of a lone photo of Pedra Branca - not handsome lighthouse, isn't it?
Pedra Branca is located in Southeast Asia - far away from Europe... interesting...
More suspicious - using the name of Pulau Batu Puteh instead of common name - Pedra Branca known to British and Dutch since their empires times.
Back to International Court of Justice hearing on Pedra Branca island dispute, it is really very very embarrassing to everyone that the photo was taken from a blog and used to present in the international court in Hague.
Reputation of a country is at stake.
In fact netizens are quick enough to have already located him, although I'm not sure whether it's true or not. Here's just one of them:
Inix said...
From http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation
I believe you're from Puchong, Selangor, which is around 20 - 30KM away from Malaysia's MFA.
Latitude - 3.0170
Longtitude - 101.6170
City Code - MYSLPUCH
City ID - 18746
I thus end my blogpost here. I will be setting up a poll though, on who do you think will win the legal case at the ICJ. I suppose this entire blogpost has been rather biased in the sense that I'm afterall, a Singaporean and I would be writing in a prejudiced style. Themis without her blindfold!
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