It was uneventful, because I was repeatedly slotting sheets into scores and passing them to the adjudicators inside the Recital Studio, who had to bear a little NachtMusik.
Other than that, I just had dinner with Dr Hecht again and my dad at his house! We're spending so much more time there, and we were patting his two cats, Barney and Max.
Max's the more active one, and nearly toppled the wine bottle on the dining table while we were preparing dinner. Basically Max's just more active. And Barney apparently has three positions - one at the couch, in the balcony, and under the curtains. So the biggest decision of his day would be where he would be sleeping for the next few hours.
That's ALL he has to worry about, because Dr Hecht feeds them so often they're so fat, and they don't have to worry at all about starving.
Otherwise, the cough has gotten worse.
Originally I had many things to talk about, but I'm simply beaten up now. Like, how I went to send Sze and the NYSE girls off to New York with Sec 3 Suck-Ups and Lumpy. While we had all the taupoks and all the shoving around last year, the girls were taking photos, photos and more photos.
They were supposed to be off by 6pm, but I came at around 3pm for lunch with my dad, and then he went off at 4pm. By 4pm I settled at one of the seats in Terminal One near Row 3 and took out my trusty manuscript book.
Which I filled with continuing motives. So the first Nanyang girl came, and then they all came in quick succession. Terminal 1 really looks old now, with its light dimmer than usual. Maybe they were trying to save electricity, but it looks really run-down.
So there was a mini-argument between a couple and a father of a girl. You know how usually there are rows facing back-to-back? Well, I was at one of them, and behind me on the seats were a suitcase and a violin. So this couple couldn't find a seat and moved away the violin.
The father went, "You think it's right to do that?"
And the guy said, "No one's seating here."
"But don't you think it's wrong, since the girl has already placed her instrument there?"
I thought I might as well tell the daddy that the situation would be different if Sze were there. The dad looked at me like, "oh-wait-how-do-you-know-sze" face, so I just repeated what I said. And he couldn't agree better.
Isn't it cow sense that the girl might just have gone off for a while, and she might be back to sit down later? And please treat instruments more nicely next time, Couple. Anyway I think that case belonged to Jingting, but I'm not really sure.
But if my cello were there, man, I don't think I'll do anything. I'll just smile at the guy. Why bother to reason with him. As the Hokkien saying goes, when the horse dies, just get down and walk.
If he takes my seat, I'll take another! Life's too short to trouble over such things.

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