Thursday, June 5, 2008

RISE Camp 7

I shall ask for a one-month no pay leave to If they do agree, my readers will be a little disappointed. If I do have (self-depreciating humour).

I just went for my second-last RISE camp/ maybe even last RISE camp! I hope it's the former. Nothing much to write about it, since the Secondary 4s weren't required to play. So we just stoned around, and when the Secondary 1s, 2s and 3s were playing, the Secondary 4s played soccer.

It got boring after a while, particularly since I wanted to play soccer AND music. I didn't get to play music, so I was disappointed. We had fun thinking about what had happened over the past 4 years, and some very quotable quotes from Mr Sze and from our fellow RISE members.

The famous 'stand down!' was brought into play, and we laughed like there was no tomorrow. Thing was, we were supposed to go lights out by 12am, but some of us climbed over RI's formidable walls and went to 7-11 to get some breakfast goods like bread and instant noodles. I got bread. We weren't supposed to do that, but RI's adminstration doesn't think of us as teens that are tired and hungry by 12 after the night games. So they lock us all in. And one knows that when one is hungry there is a limit, and we reached that. ALright, maybe we didn't have a limit, just that we were really hungry and everything.

On the second day's night we played Mr Sze' nightgame, where we followed bearings that led us to passwords where we could call a handphone number that was placed on the paper, and then say a password. We had two choices of password, and one would lead us to an easier quest while the other a difficult one. Pretty straightfoward, but there was one in the swimming pool which I dived into to get the password.

That part turned out to be screwed after some group before us displaced the passwords and instead of the passwords being INSIDE the pool, it floated up. Our group got screwed anyway for having it floating on the pool.

We lost in the end, because our group was particularly slow. But our Group's Group 1 was first! So we balanced out in the end. Yay!

Now we shall wait - currently listening to Beatles's All Together Now

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