Thursday, September 13, 2007

With lots of love and support and thanks

Hello. It's been a long day and I'm feeling very tired. And sad. And at the same time, happy and relieved. Tonight isn't a really starry night, but it's ok.

Supposed all of you heard of Mr. Otto Fong. I may have been shocked at first, never knowing the possibility, until I realised that there was indeed nothing wrong as long as he has never broken the law.

And btw, I would like to say that he's a good teacher, and was the one who recommended me to the Science Club after I talked to him about Relativity. But luckily I didn't go because I got 10/45 for physics later LOL. That was 1 year ago. He also wrote a comic on electricity, which really made it easy for us to understand. The electrons moving in directions, those fuels, yep, those stuff.

And so I would like to , no, not profess I'm gay, but express my support for my teacher, my RI teacher, my cool RI teacher. I don't see anything wrong with him - we can continue life as peacefully. Will it make you shocked if I professed that I'm a Eskimo?

No it wouldn't. Although Eskimos don't play Faure or Mozart or Debussy.

That's that.

Some people see the whole picture, but most people don't. Some of them are in the picture, some are outside the picture. For me, I'm the frame. I know what's inside the picture, yet I hold everyone together.

A pacifist.
A musician.
A guy who wants his job and money.

Probably shouts my name out to you when you read this.

Some quotes today - Miss Hahn "A good student is one who remembers."

When she says one thing, you do the same thing for any passage that appears similar.

Lots of love and support and thanks to everyone,

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