Before I go on, here's a picture I took at home of my latest composition:

Now back to the competition. For the intermediate category, the finalists were announced today have 2 hours of performance from 6 participants, the youngest being only eleven.
If he wins first prize, I'll be in big trouble, partly because he won 1st prize just 2 years back in the Junior Category, and if he wins 1st prize again this year in Intermediate, it's simply amazing. But well of course the world is full of surprise, although I'm not betting on him winning the 1st prize. I'm betting on Zhang Aidi! Unfortunately Deanna didn't make it into the finals, but I guess life has to move on. I don't have much say in this, simply because I did not participate in the competition and I'm not feeling ANY kind of pressure.
After watching the Senior Category I felt regretful though, entirely because I thought if I participated I could have beaten all the current players. Surprise surprise, all the finalists are from the Raffles family. They are - Shawn Neo, Thomas Ang, Royce, and Jin Yu Jia (who's from RGS)
While waiting for another semi-finalist and Yu Jia to finish playing, Tiffany, Rafael, Shuqi, Yong Han and I were sitting around the tables near the huge staircase structure and we talked for an hour and a half...what a funny conversation I had. Probably one of the best and funniest group conversations I ever had in my life.
While we were at it though, news flooded in all the way from Esplanade Recital Hall to Alliance Francaise that the winners of the Violin Senior Category included Alan (Choo), who was 2nd, and Lee Ning, who was 3rd. There was no 1st prize - what a feeling of deja vu I get!
In any case, today was a highly intense day with all the competing, and I certainly look forward to Wednesday, day of the finals. It will indeed be another intense day, and you guys aren't going to miss any of it with me reporting!
Food at Food Republic
My mum and I went to Food Republic (as per usual for the past 3 days) and we ate some good food there. Yesterday I ate a total of 6.90 for simply one meal. How terrible. I've never spent so much money at once for a meal (not including McDonalds) the food was good - fried rice, egg, fish coated with some sort of butter. Too bad I didn't take a picture of it. You guys might just be full of looking at the picture though.
I've decided to get a new skin because I thought the old one was rather cramped and hard to read.
Hope the new skin works for you people...
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