Blog Quiz #2
Colour: Yellow, previously Blue. Here's the kind of yellow I like.

(Website I got picture from -
Food: Homecook Curry with vegetables, Good dumplings, prawn coated with egg yolk, Not-too-oily Hor Fun. Chee Cheong Fun.
Movie: Shooter, Lord of the Rings, The Pianist, A Hard Day's Night (1969)
Sport: Soccer, Badminton, Around the World in 80 Days on the Keyboard
Day: Everyday is my favourite should treasure your life every single day while you can. Saturday is a day where I can balance out my time, practise piano and relax at the same time though.
Season: Soccer season yes, but autumn is my season...
Ice-cream: Milo ice-cream for 50c, peppermint ice-cream from Orchard Road stall vendors
Mood: Default Happy...Haha!
Clothes: Currently in washing machine. Erm, a striped white and brown polo T-shirt with 3 buttons

(Windows Vista)
Time: 5.23pm
Surrounding: Neat study room thanks to my Dad. A book analysing Beatles music set upon the printer on my right, a box containing my mp3 items, under it some manuscript paper, purple programme booklet for NYSE Belle Musique, a book by Gerig - Famous Pianists & Their Technique, The Origin of Tolkien's Middle-Earth for Dummies, some more manuscript paper.
On my left, a newspaper article on U.S. Foreign Policy, under it a book of 1473 jokes, under it my Sony Discman, a pen, the telephone, my pencilbox, my Tango Op. 1, some math tuition work.
In front of me a huge stick-up board of RISE Rehearsals, contacts of my colleague at YST, music books to borrow from the library, table of Fines at YST, NUS Library Application, and lastly a timetable of this year's EOYs for Sec 3.
Behind me stacks of clothing as you always see in my webcam shots. An ironing board diagonally right of me facing my back, and on my left 4 stacks of this year's school work all reaching heights of 35cm.
Best Friend: Primary 1 boy called Eugene. Can still remember his face, but not his surname.
Movie: Dinosaurs, first movie I watched with my Dad at Bukit Batok. Animated film by Disney
Crush: Sec 3 now in RGS unnamed whom I met in Primary School
Music I played: J.J Thompson Red Book for Beginners
Drink: Hot Milk+Milo
Car Ride: Quite some time ago. I'm really taking public transport nowadays...
Crush: No geniune one except for one in Sec 2 from NY
CD Played: Installing the scanner into my new laptop. Other than that, Bach's Preludes and Fugues given to me by Dr. Chang Tou Liang after my 2005 performance at Esplanade.
Have You Ever...
Dated one of your best friends?
I have never ever dated. Like, been to a dinner, gathering, party, one-one with a girl before. Well, who's first?
Broken the law?
Eating and Drinking in the MRT. Oh look someone just spilled his chocolate drink!
Been arrested?
No, and will try not to get arrested ever. If I do though it will be practising piano at 3am and police knocking on thy black door and me refusing to stop.
5 things you're good at (in no order of merit):
1. Hearing 5 seconds of a Beatles piece and being able to tell the title
2. Acting really stupid when the time calls for it
3. Listening to different notes in a chord and being able to tell what creates such a mood and harmony. (I think it's a skill though...having a good ear is important when playing pieces with diverse harmonies. Dr. Hecht is best at this I think)
4. Listening to what people say and empathizing with them.
5. Removing a musical block when it comes to writing a song. Sometimes it's just plain luck though, when you manage to come up with a new chord that fits the music.
4 things you've done today:
1. Played major, harmonic minor and melodic minor - contrary motion and similar motion of all keys.
2. Blogged.
3. Playing a pirate game from
4. Creating the melody and the harmonies for Nothing Girl after 3 months
3 things you hear right now:
1. Channel 8 show at 5.30pm
2. Cars at a highway 1km away running over puddles of water
3. Utensils hitting against each other. My mum's eating...
2 things you'll probably never do:
1. Date someone out! Lol
2. Not compose a full-length opera
1 thing you seriously regret doing:
I have no regrets!
5 people to tag:
Before I tag these people, I wish to sincerely apologise.
1. Fiona - cos she tagged me last time
2. Laura - knew her recently
3. John Lee
4. David Ng
5. The Straight Times
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