Saturday, November 1, 2008

last minute crap

It's bad. Really bad. It's not good.

One shouldn't be doing this. Shouldn't be doing everything last minute, before-hand without preparation, and attempting to smoke the way through. Here are the last minute things I have done in very recent times -

Ironically, Rafflesian Spotlight is counted as one last minute thing, because we did it impromptu.

PM Lee was one red-hot last minute item, because we dragged along Nigel 3 hours before, and gave Joseph the lyrics the very morning. And called him to take the shirt and pants that midnight.

My exam studying were all last-minute, all the day before. Entirely not ideal.

I know I've done so many last minute things, even down to everyday life. Not preparing what to bring before going outdoors, just changing and packing down to the very last second.

I don't do that for music. I prepare everything quite beforehand. But apparently it's starting to affect the way I do music too.

We memorised Rachmaninov last minute. Like, one hour before lesson, we just forced ourselves to memorise the entire thing. This shouldn't be the case! I should have memorised it long ago.

This really isn't a post for you guys to read, just a contemplative post from me. About how impromptu some things can be in my life.

Then again, John Yu asked me a few moments ago about my favourite Beatles songs.

Contemplative: Here Comes The Sun
Moody: Let It Be
Funeral: In My Life
Love: Here There Everywhere
Happy: Drive My Car
Revolutionary: Revolution
Hyper: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Jealous: Jealous Guy
Crazy: Get Back

"So, what, are you going to sign up for your options in RJC 10 minutes before?"

what a thoughtful line.
I must change myself.

How? How? Let's start with the testimonial.

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