Friday, November 28, 2008

A short post

Yes, I know it's old news that I have PSP Lite currently in my possession. Which I'm NOT going to sell! But any of you who wants to play it can just give me a call. There's only one game inside and that's FIFA 09. Yes, I got it as a Christmas present from my dad. Thanks, dad, you rock!

I wake up to shocking and frightening news - the Mumbai attacks in erm, Mumbai. Yes, I'm afraid that this world has gone absolutely bananas, after looking at the Bangkok protests, and now the terrorist attacks in Mumbai that are seemingly parallel to the 911 attacks in America.

No, this time I'm not coming up with any conspiracy theories, it was and will be a terrorist attack forever imprinted in the history of India. I believe though, that the government's atittude towards these fanatics will change after this.

I absolutely do not have the slightest idea of what the hell the Bangkok citizens are thinking - but it's clear that all of the protesters are paid to do what they are supposed to do. And they have all the time in the world to do so - the economy is poor, and the Democratic Party is flushed with cash enough to give them out to these protesters. But sadly they don't see the bigger picture, and I'm wondering what would happen if Somchai gives up the seat to the Democratic Party. What would happen then?

As my dad says, it's simply a game of political musical chairs. I hope this would stop soon enough.

Going for LANing later with the men at RISE of the Anoneabiablah (obvious I can't spell), and then going for my second ever YO concert, featuring violist Jonathan Koh.

Here's wishing Fiona Lam a happy birthday from her zsqy friend AKA a piece of shit! (gasp) but it's alright.

And yes, I'll change the blog music.

1 comment:

Jonathan Shin said...

I'm bored. So I've decided to leave something here for the fun of it. Let's put down my favourite question of the month.

So there she laid, on the pillow on my lap, and she asked, "Why are you so nice to me?" And I shrugged and said, "The same reason why you are so nice to me."