Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What happened since Saturday?

I'll bring you back to Saturday, in another one of my usual blogposts that talks about all things that has passed almost everytime I blog.

It's as if, my life were a novel, you know.

After 2 hours straight of Music Technology class, where we learnt how to splice and cut and paste sections of music together. Progress was kinda slow, but it was alright, just listen to instructions can liao.

I played for Akkra my 1/4 completed composition following the class, and YES! He gave a thumbs-up for the front part but gave me really good suggestions on some things that were, too sudden or too loud.

Took a quick bus to Music Essentials to meet Chi Ling, and we finished the cake that Dr. Hecht kindly brought for the yester-evening seafood 'soiree' that was mentioned in my previous post. [Just a few minutes ago I finished the last piece, and it was still as chocolate-y. ]

We 'window-shopped' for clothes at Centrepoint, met Clarence's dad :O What a small world.

Played piano together for hours, and then off to catch the latest James Bond flick, which had a super-thin plot. Only thing worth remembering was, yes, when the French guy attacked Bond with an axe. Ooh, hear le homme scream!

Walked to Rochor Rd Beancurd, had supper there, talked lots of great stuff, then back to Boon Lay, and then I went home.

12.30am, but enjoyable, though I'm leaving out a couple of details here and there.

The next morning was going to Church. As per normal, visited my mum at columbarium, what can I say. The entire experience was in all sense, holy. As in, including Church.

Boys' Town was next, because apparently my dad wanted to go there and look at their open house and see what he could help with. Yeah, right, he finished quite a lot of food!

But the destination to the car park itself was fun. At every corner there was always a guy with long hair and putting one leg on his chair, lifting up his arm non-chalantly to show us the direction. My dad's exclamation, "I love these guys man, this is the attitude!"


I was sitting glumly throughout the long-winded trip to the heart of the Town, and when we finally got out there was loud music playing in the hall. The food wasn't really bad, but I remembered the muahchee tasted bad. It was cold, and practically, erm, tasteless. Right, I forced myself to eat something that cost $1. What a thrifty bastard.

Not so though, I'll spend when there's good food :} And erm, when I owe library fines and dinner costs.

When we were done we headed back home for a change, before going for Avenue Q. The songs were fun enough, but I entirely loved the part when Trekkie Monster said, "In volatile markets, porn is stable income!" And then he donated ALL HIS MONEY to the Monstersorri School (hahaha)!

Walked to Grad Ceremony, got a change of clothes from my dad, had an ok dinner.

Performance with XD was almost entirely impromptu, because I skipped the soundcheck, and learnt some chords on the spot on stage. Kids, what's the word of the month?


But it was raucous enough to get everyone at a high, and I could see two people crowd-surfing. (wth, first time ever in my life have I performed for a crowd-surfing audience, thank you very much, I would love to see Ryan Kwan crowd-surfing when I play a piano solo on stage someday)

The front of the stage was practically a mosh pit, and everyone was jumping up and down to the beat, with the audience response, "EH-OH-EH-OH" so loud.

Entirely crazy, although I didn't shed a tear. I must really hate RI or something like that.

Got home thankfully in one piece, and this gig was absolutely fun!

I will tell you guys about my escapades with XD at an Outram Park recording studio (70 bucks an hour) in a separate blogpost. Dimlit, smoke-filled, sleazy, shady. Recording different layers, and of course, the haunted room above that houses the drumsets and the mikes.

According to the Ten Rules of Martin's studio, it consists of 1) Don't litter the studio floor, 2) Do not wear shoes in, 3) Do not smoke inside the studio, 4) Be nice to the ghost upstairs, she's quite friendly...

No kidding. Tell you guys more in a few days time. As of now, I'm looking forward to Thursday and Friday.

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