Wednesday, October 31, 2007

4-hand class, books

(On a side note, this is the 100th post)

I don't care I'm going to mug very hard for Literature next year so I can win a book from Miss Chew! That's because I've never got my own storybook for 5 years on already...I mean, the books are either being borrowed or unreturned from the library. (Shhh)

And the rest of the money are usually spent on music scores, theory, history books. How nice will it be to have a storybook of your own!

We did some 4-hand sight-reading this evening with the freshmen gang at class, some Dvorak and Brahms. Moved away from Mozart already, but Aidi and I still have to do Mozart 3rd movement.

Dr. Hecht celebrated his Halloween birthday!

Other than that I'm kick-starting the RE project for next year already. Better get together with Hongrui, Bryan and Ben Low for the project...

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